Yesterday, thanks to a good friend, I attended a Pure Barre class for the first time. I've heard lots about it, so when the opportunty came up, I thought "Sure why not?!". Famous last words!
For those that don't know, Pure Barre is an hour work out mixing yoga, pilates, and ballet principles. It is an intense, fast paced hour that focuses on toning burning the heck out of your abs, legs (thighs), and butt. If you're looking for a good workout - this would be the one! This is not, I repeat NOT, your everyday relaxed yoga session. Within the first 10 minues my heart was racing and everyone was breaking a sweat. Our fantastic instructor kept the tempo and pushed everyone - modifications is not the name of this game.
Unfortunately, for me and my sports enduced asthma, the combo was killer. I had to sit down through some of workout. I could handle the floor exercises, but just about anything requiring standing, was off limits. :-( Even in my limited capacity, it was a good workout. Everyone left feeling great, slightly sweaty, and with big smiles. 24 hours later, I feel like I've been through it. There are parts of my body I didn't' know could hurt. But it's a good thing! ;-)
Pure Barre locations are popping up all over the country. Pure Barre Louisville is located in Westport Village off of Herr Lane. If you're going, plan to wear yoga pants or sweatpants (no shorts), a tank top or t-shirt, and socks and bring a bottle of water!
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